

Worlds best and worst lovers

Have you ever wondered which country has the best or worst lovers?  How do men and women rate each other?  Are couples from the same country a good match for hot passion?  At they surveyed a massive 22,753 members of their online dating network and asked the following questions:

Q1: How good was the last person you had sex with on a scale of 0 to 10?

0 : Worst ever
1 : Awful
2 : Extremely bad
3 : Very bad
4 : Bad
5 : Average
6 : Quite good
7 : Good
8 : Very good
9 : Amazing
10 : Best ever

Q2: What was the country of origin of the last person you had sex with?

As the survey was run within their dating site they already knew the gender and sexuality of the person taking the survey.  They looked at straight males and females only so men would be rating women and vice versa.

Check out the visual infographic below that shows the results with the aid of a thermometer, ranging from hot to not.  This also includes the global results so you can see how men and women score, or more importantly how men and women rate each other.

How would you rate your partner on that scale of 0-10?

worlds best and worst lovers
Infographic courtesy of


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