

​My 40 Year Old Love - Infinity Plus One

Tuesday 10th June.  Today I am studying.  I'm attempting to write 700 words about rites of passage.  With a quick distraction courtesy of FB, I came across a sweet story of a man still loving his wife after 75 years of marriage and he writes a simple song about it one month after she died.

While watching the video, I kept thinking how sad that she didn't get to hear his poignant words of love.  The Internet is full of stories like this isn't it?  Mostly we only stop in the rat-race of life to really reflect on what our loved ones mean to us once they are gone.

My husband is turning 40 this year. It's a nice 0 birthday, so maybe you will all forgive me if I choose to tell him what he means to me while he's still here..... [Read more]

Read more about what motivates Monique Lee over on her Blog and Facebook pages.


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